health benefits of Avacado

Publish | 08 Jan 2019, 15:59

Online Desk

Health freaks everywhere absolutely love avocados and it’s no wonder. Avocados are absolutely delicious, they are super versatile and the health benefits are huge.

It’s very hard to find another food that is as good for you as an avocado, so let’s look a little deeper at what they offer.

1. They have cancer fighting properties
There are several ingredients in avocados that help prevent your chances of cancer and these are phytochemicals, phenols
and xanthophyll.

This is a really amazing advantage of eating avocados on a regular basis and leaves you with no excuse not to do it!

2. They are good for cardiovascular health
Research has shown that avocados are really good for the health of your heart. They have absolutely no bad fat but plenty of good fat, which is really vital for your arteries.

If you eat an avocado every day, your cholesterol levels will improve and you will generally feel more healthy in yourself. They also have high levels of potassium which improves blood stream, again positively influencing the heart.

3. You will have healthier skin and eyes
Lutein and zeaxanthin are two ingredients found in avocados that will strengthen your eyes and also prevent visual decay.

You might be wondering why they are so good for skin? UV affects us every single day but avocados have vital properties that give you an extra layer of protection from the sun.

4. They help you lose weight
A main reason why the popularity of avocados is on the increase, is because many people are starting to realize how beneficial they are to weight loss.

These little green fruits are surprisingly filling, which will help prevent unnecessary snacking throughout the day. They also help your digestion and stop you from looking/feeling bloated because they are packed full of fiber.

Recipe ideas for avocados
Eating avocado does
not have to be boring, there are many interesting things you can do with them in the kitchen. By trying new things, you can EASILY fit avocados into your life so let’s have a look at a couple of recipes.

Delicious avocado smoothie

– Half a cup of orange juice.
– Half a cup of chopped avocado.
– Half a cup of
lowfat yogurt
– 1 banana
– Ice

To create this yummy and nutritious avocado smoothie, simply blend all the ingredients together in a food processor until it arrives at the required consistency.

Bacon and peach guacamole

– 1 peach
– Quarter a cup of chopped onion
– A few rashers of cooked, chopped up crispy bacon
– 2 avocados

Start by cutting up the peach and avocados before mixing together. Then it’s time to add the bacon and combining thoroughly using your hands. Season the guacamole with salt and pepper if you wish.

There are so many health benefits to avocados.

With the number of different avocado based dishes out there, look around and see what could be right for you. They can help you lose weight and become a healthier person, which is what we all want!
