Why you need to stop using phone in the toilet

Publish | 24 Aug 2017, 18:05

Online Desk

Using phone in toilet? Why you must stop

Pooping has become synonymous to replying to pending chats or tagging friends on memes, if not talking on the phone. Mobile is our new everything, from contacts diary to photo albums and now, even our newspaper! The time when one would take a mag or daily papers to the loo is buried by the winds of time. But, can you even imagine how bad this habit is? Probably not!

Carrying phone to toilets makes washing hands worthless!

When you take your mobile to the loo with you, you expose it to many germs and salmonella like bacteria. Various hygiene experts have expressed concern over the millennials carrying their tablets to the loo. They say that when you clean your buttocks with your hands while keeping your phone in a make shift arrangement and then hold the phone again, even washing your hands becomes worthless! This is because the bacteria had by then stuck to your mobile, which you hold again after washing your hands.

Contamination more severe in public toilets

The level of contamination is more severe in public toilets, raising more concern for the working populace. When you use a toilet that is used by many others also, like in an office, restaurant or a hotel, you expose yourself to various kinds of bacteria.

Toothbrush and towel can become breeding sites for bacteria

Not just phone, things like your toothbrush and your towel can also become breeding sites for bacteria if they are kept near your toilet seat, say experts.

Mobiles are a good spot for bacteria to thrive

However, chances of bacteria breeding are higher on your mobile phone because its workings often get it heated and thus, provide a warm environment for the bacteria to survive and grow. The same phone is also used by you while having food. In the process, you may be providing the bacteria with conducive oils which stick to your hand after eating and stick to your phone through your hand.

Start taking the daily tabloids again

So, instead of taking your phones to the loo, start taking the daily tabloids again. The newspapers and magazines are much more hygienic as you don’t reuse them and they are scrapped off in a day. Or, take nothing. Having a few minutes of nothingness in a day is worthwhile!

Source: tnn